Haruto Kirishima has been living a quiet life in his countryside town in Hiroshima until Yuzuki Eba—a mysterious city girl— suddenly starts living with him at his house. A bright and whimsical personality, Yuzuki has left her life in Tokyo for the tranquil town she warmly remembers from her childhood, and barges into Haruto's life. Finding himself in an awkward situation, Haruto must now tolerate spending his high school days alongside this clumsy, freeloading klutz. However, as their relationship deepens, his heart slowly wavers between Yuzuki and his not-so-secret infatuation—his classmate, Nanami Kanzaki. Life in the countryside may be slow and simple, but the troubles that await Haruto are as complex as a city skyline. Relying on the irrefutable unpredictability of time, Kimi no Iru Machi illustrates how a single day can unexpectedly bring strangers together while another can abruptly break them apart. [Written by MAL Rewrite] Included one-shot: Volume 6: Yuna